Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The healed came in great crowds to seek new Torah teachings from the healer. They came in such a great crowd on the mountain that they cold not be refused. Those who were the poorest in spirit came to the front. These were the spiritual orphans for whom the true spiritual son would be moved to compassion, and by having compassion upon these orphans the son would come to maturity and to the place of his inheritance.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are those who mourn with all the creatures of God who "groan and travail together in pain, waiting for the manifestation of the children of God". These creatures are truly blessed. For a new birth shall come. And they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who do not see themselves as being entitled to judge even those who offend them or who threaten them; who are meek because they fear the Lord God of Israel. For he will be their salvation and deliverance, and will make them the caretakers of his coming newborn earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Righteousness is the root of the tree of life. Righteousness is the root that gathers in, takes up and learns the way of God's actions. The way of God's actions is the water of life flowing to the tree of life. Oh that all the little children of Adam, of the man and the woman, would know a sky filled with a light that is like a rain gently falling, watering all things with the knowledge of Israel's God! That time is coming! That day will dawn!
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.
Be merciful unto others, as you would have others be merciful unto you. And if you would be just unto others, let it be with a justice that seeks the way of mercy. For when we show mercy we find mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
It is those whose heart is pure, whose obedience is pure in going up to Jerusalem to meet with God who, in being seen by God, will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are those who will lay down their lives in faith in order to remove fear from the world. The first and final source of all friction and conflict between people is the fear of death. Out of this fear Adam sinned. Blessed are those who accept humiliation by the power of divine grace in order to bring peace, for they will be called the brothers and sisters of the son of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
A world that is broken, a world with its bones shattered, cannot give success to all its children. Some of them it will make victims. Some of them it will make scapegoats. For this, such a world could be easily condemned. But who will show it mercy? Who would save such a world? Anyone who would choose to save such a world must face its returning evil for good, persecution for a voice of truth. God chooses to save such a world as this. The Messiah of Israel chooses to serve his God in saving such a world as this. Blessed are all those who are persecuted because they are attached to him. The salvation of the world shall be their joy! The healing of its bones shall be their happiness and laughter, their great reward. And they shall breathe the air of righteousness in a world without end. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mellow Wolf Matthew Files 5:11 - 7:1ff.
It is when we partake in the Brachah which is Yehoshua HaMashiach that we are truly blessed. Here is the place where Abraham blesses the world. 11:12.
"You" - those Jews, all Jews and sojourners - are the salt and light - but...
The light shines when it follows Yehoshua to the place of sacrifice for Israel for Israel for all creation.
Why would one think he had come to bring an end to Torah? Because he brings and end to the first creation and makes all things new. Instead, learn, it is in the new creation that the Torah is fully established.
What Does the Full Establishment of the Torah in The New Creation Bring?
What is freedom from the sin of murder in the new creation? It is freedom from every and any inclination to judge another. For it is the inclination to judge others that leads to unrighteous anger in the heart and this leads to the curses that form on the lips, and it is these that kill.
What is freedom from the sin of adultery in the new creation? It is freedom from every and any inclination to want from others what is not theirs to give. For the eye that is lost from the light of God sees shades of darkness moving in darkness and imagines them to be light, and so it follows them to hell. And the hand that is lost from the hand of God is led by a stranger's hand and imagines that it is the hand of a friend; it is comforted in feeling that it has been found and does not know that it is the hand of the wicked one, which is leading it into hell.
What is the freedom from every sin and any sin that breaks apart worlds and nations and families and souls and whatever God has joined together? What is the healing power of all the divorce of this world, that healing power that is to be found in the new creation? It is freedom from any thought that comes from the mouth of a liar. It is freedom from any thought that does not begin and end with the word of God. It is the healing of all broken things in one reunion of God's love, where no weakness is found or feared.
What is the freedom in the new creation of the human will and word? It is the oath of God, which He made in order to remove all possibility of doubt from the heirs of His promise of blessing and salvation to Abraham.
5:38 - 7:1ff.
And what does the new creation bring as a foundation for ever enduring existence and life instead of the harsh stringencies of exacting justice, which are the girders of support in the foundation of this present world? Love enemies, tzedakah (righteous charity), prayer in true self-negation, Torah lishma (Torah for its own sake), fear of HaShem (the LORD), these are the girders of the foundation of eternal life in the new creation. For in the world to come the interests of others will never cause conflict but instead shall be the delight of every child of the Father, as giving them opportunity for becoming ever more like Him, and they shall pray for the interests of others which are not their own to be met. And more than this, no one will pray in this manner who does not also take out of their own treasury in order to elevate others above themselves. Their communion with their Father shall be the place of their treasury.
In that communion alone they will find all things that are of value to them. In that place of communion with their Father they will find the treasure of their love, their heart, their soul, their understanding, and all their strength. In their treasury will be found only the Torah, which is the will of their Father. Their treasury shall be full of radiance and light. They will take from their treasury and give to others whose need is designed to be different from their own. they will not seek the treasures of the knowledge of their Father's will for their own sake but always for the sake of serving the need of others. In this way they will magnify the manifold rays of the glory of their Father. And in all their learning of their Father's Torah and in all their knowledge of their Father's will they shall increase their awe of and reverence for their Father; accordingly, the increase of their joy and their reward will never end.
Mellow Wolf Matthew Files 5:11 - 7:1ff.
It is when we partake in the Brachah which is Yehoshua HaMashiach that we are truly blessed. Here is the place where Abraham blesses the world. 11:12.
"You" - those Jews, all Jews and sojourners - are the salt and light - but...
The light shines when it follows Yehoshua to the place of sacrifice for Israel for Israel for all creation.
Why would one think he had come to bring an end to Torah? Because he brings and end to the first creation and makes all things new. Instead, learn, it is in the new creation that the Torah is fully established.
What Does the Full Establishment of the Torah in The New Creation Bring?
What is freedom from the sin of murder in the new creation? It is freedom from every and any inclination to judge another. For it is the inclination to judge others that leads to unrighteous anger in the heart and this leads to the curses that form on the lips, and it is these that kill.
What is freedom from the sin of adultery in the new creation? It is freedom from every and any inclination to want from others what is not theirs to give. For the eye that is lost from the light of God sees shades of darkness moving in darkness and imagines them to be light, and so it follows them to hell. And the hand that is lost from the hand of God is led by a stranger's hand and imagines that it is the hand of a friend; it is comforted in feeling that it has been found and does not know that it is the hand of the wicked one, which is leading it into hell.
What is the freedom from every sin and any sin that breaks apart worlds and nations and families and souls and whatever God has joined together? What is the healing power of all the divorce of this world, that healing power that is to be found in the new creation? It is freedom from any thought that comes from the mouth of a liar. It is freedom from any thought that does not begin and end with the word of God. It is the healing of all broken things in one reunion of God's love, where no weakness is found or feared.
What is the freedom in the new creation of the human will and word? It is the oath of God, which He made in order to remove all possibility of doubt from the heirs of His promise of blessing and salvation to Abraham.
5:38 - 7:1ff.
And what does the new creation bring as a foundation for ever enduring existence and life instead of the harsh stringencies of exacting justice, which are the girders of support in the foundation of this present world? Love enemies, tzedakah (righteous charity), prayer in true self-negation, Torah lishma (Torah for its own sake), fear of HaShem (the LORD), these are the girders of the foundation of eternal life in the new creation. For in the world to come the interests of others will never cause conflict but instead shall be the delight of every child of the Father, as giving them opportunity for becoming ever more like Him, and they shall pray for the interests of others which are not their own to be met. And more than this, no one will pray in this manner who does not also take out of their own treasury in order to elevate others above themselves. Their communion with their Father shall be the place of their treasury.
In that communion alone they will find all things that are of value to them. In that place of communion with their Father they will find the treasure of their love, their heart, their soul, their understanding, and all their strength. In their treasury will be found only the Torah, which is the will of their Father. Their treasury shall be full of radiance and light. They will take from their treasury and give to others whose need is designed to be different from their own. they will not seek the treasures of the knowledge of their Father's will for their own sake but always for the sake of serving the need of others. In this way they will magnify the manifold rays of the glory of their Father. And in all their learning of their Father's Torah and in all their knowledge of their Father's will they shall increase their awe of and reverence for their Father; accordingly, the increase of their joy and their reward will never end.